Transition studies 

 in plants             by Rolf Baumberger 


 At the beginning of this section, I would like to reference Beeks (1962).
quote: "In the center of the [salmon flowered longiflorus] population, an island of red variants emanated from a different kind of disturbance, a woodrat nest. Growing from the nest was a bright red flowering Diplacus; along a short radius from the nest, the flower color of the surrounding Diplacus graded from red to salmon-orange." - "Beeks noticed a transition happening in the field, which I believe was in its early stages. It seemed to be a drift."


A similar phenomenon was encountered for the first time between 1995 and 2001 at the Nate Harrison Grade. This time, no woodrat was involved. The color of a tagged individual yellow-flowered plant drifted spontaneously from salmon yellow to this pastel pink color within two years and ended up in 2001 in vivid red.


Nate Harrison Grd

Diplacus calycinus to Diplacus puniceus transition in the Santa Ana Mtountains. (Forest Rte 3S04)

In the early stages of transition, there may be color and shape inconsistencies between young and older flowers on the same plant. This "flitting behavior" dissipates as the flowers reach their final shape and color after about ten years. This process has a precise end stage. After fulfillment, the plant does not go back to its early state.

more will follow ...